In 1871, Monet settled temporarily in Argenteuil, where he developed his style with the style he had been discovering, also thanks to the landscapes that the town offered him.

Claude Monet , Campo de amapolas, 1873

It represents the transposition into painting of the sculptural emblem, the Hellenistic monument that hellenistic monument which , from Lessing's essays onwards , has been the starting point for reflecting on the validity of the classical tradition in contemporary times contemporary era. The scene is a terrible one : a serpent engulfs Laocoön and his sons, who warn of the horse that has left by the the Greeks at Troy.

Francesco Hayez. Laocoonte, 1812

In this painting the main theme is represented by the symbolism of the ray of light coming from a hidden window . It is the light that God, together with the figures of Jesus and St. Peter, is directing towards St. Matthew, who at the time was who at that time was a tax collector and left everything to follow Jesus.

The scene is painted from a low position and, although the ground is only glimpsed, it gives the viewer the sensation of to the viewer of being seated in the stalls of a theatre. The gestures, the attitudes, the expressions of the collectors, the collectors, the alternation of light and shadow make words flow on the scene that, although they do not resonate, we understand them, we understand them.

Caravaggio , La vocación de San Mateo , 1600

Botticelli painted this work at the end of the 15th century and it is one of the best paints . Venus is situated right in the centre and, next to her, a nymph covered with a large red cloak symbolising spring.

Sandro Botticelli , El nacimiento de Venus ,1485–1486